Get to know the faces that are working hard behind the scenes to unleash your data’s potential.

This month for our Face Behind the Data profile series, we are excited to introduce, Angus Craig, VP International. From Computer Engineer to Sales and Marketing, he has worn many different hats throughout his career.

Angus has helped to establish operations and business development for our Europe region. We are excited he could contribute his experience to Face Behind the Data, a series of profiles that feature the hard-working employees behind the solutions and services at Katalyst.

What is your educational and work experience background?

I studied in the UK education system and got my degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Portsmouth University. Upon graduating, I joined EMI, the electronics division as an R&D Engineer, but left after a year as they announced the company was relocating.

I then successfully applied to Seismograph Service Ltd after hearing about the company from two student geologists on a work placement. I joined as a Computer Engineer, normally based in the Data Processing Centre, but realised my ambition to work in the field. My first assignment was to join the seismic acquisition crew in Australia; a year tour in the Cooper Basin, South Australia followed by another in Queensland in the Winton and Longreach area. I was able to get a month home leave in between to see family and friends.

Working so closely with the processing geophysicists was a great opportunity to become familiar with and learn aspects of geophysics. After some 5 years; working in Australia, Oman, Peru and Norway, I returned to work in the UK. Shortly after returning, I moved from Engineering to the Sales & Marketing team and was then seconded to support the joint venture promotion of the GeoQuest interpretation system to the EAME region. The geophysics exposure was a boon in this role. With the increasing adoption of the seismic and geological workstation technology in E&P and a strong product, we enjoyed some major successes those first years.

With the acquisition of SSL and GeoQuest by Schlumberger in 1992, I was on the move again. This time I was posted to Venezuela with regional responsibility for sales and to encourage uptake and integration of the new applications. I have enjoyed an international role during my career with SSL, GeoQuest and Schlumberger, which has involved travel in the U.S. and Europe as well as in-country assignments in the Middle and Far East, South America and North Africa.

I have been back in the UK almost 20 years with 9 of those working for Katalyst. I was keen to join as I knew Steve Darnell and was excited about iGlass and the Katalyst direction and ambition, but it hinged on establishing the UK Data Centre, which was taking time. It did happen and since being on the team I have had responsibilities in operations and business development. The environment has been difficult some years, but we pulled together. We are enjoying some success today, and are advancing.

What are some of the highlights of your career?     

  • Early on and within months of joining, I was the Engineer assigned to the first field data processing unit that SSL introduced to improve acquisition productivity and QC turnaround. It was an exciting and challenging role and started from scratch with the construction of the mobile computer room on an artic trailer chassis in Adelaide.
  • Through my S. America sales role with the regional team, we combined the best-in-class interpretation tools to win the business with YPF Argentina.
  •  Increased Egypt E&P activity in the late 90’s contributed to our business growth and expansion.
  •  Started my data management journey by identifying the need for it with a Super Major. It was a five-year journey with marked highs,  lows, delays and reorganization, but we won.
  • Katalyst’s first super major in Europe, which gave us a strong foundation upon which to build.

Did you grow up wanting to be a data manager?

Not at all. I wanted to be an Acoustics Engineer and then to become a Teacher, neither of which I have done. That said, at the time, I had no idea that many things I have done even existed.

How did you get here?

Serendipity, some conscious career decisions, and help from friends and colleagues. There was some hard work and dedication and of course… a bit of luck!

What are some big lessons learned and/or challenges faced along the way?

  • Be friendly, receptive, listen, and treat people with respect and good humour.
  • Share your knowledge.
  • Behave to others as you would have them to you.
  • Don’t be disheartened when the outcome does not match your expectation.
  • I have avoided creating an online presence – I don’t know if that is a positive or negative – but I have shared on an individual or team basis.
  • Never put your last picture up on the wall! It is our family experience that as soon as you do – a move is afoot!

What advice do you have for people beginning their career?

  • Be receptive, keep an open mind, we are always learning.
  • Stay open to a new direction and opportunities, few of us have the big picture. Plus, you never know what is around the corner.
  • If the opportunity to work abroad arises, seize it if circumstance permits – it’s a great chance for growth and expanding your horizons.

Are there any organizations or volunteer groups that you are passionate about?

Through family association, we support and assist the Foundation in Germany and the Andean Hospital in Peru, which has been providing care for almost 50 years.

What are some of your favorite things to do and/ or places to visit outside of work?

I love my music, enjoy reading and working with wood in the shed. I started Piano lessons with some success and want to pick that up again and learn bass guitar. I am looking forward to spending more time in Peru at the remote family place in the Andes, which is a great spot to work on some of our personal projects.