Get Your Prospect Data Faster
Learn More at NAPE Summit Booth 2113

Seismic and well data, accessible, quality subsurface data, is crucial to the the buying, selling and trading of prospects and producing properties. Katalyst Data Management is looking forward to exhibiting at the North American Prospect Expo (NAPE) Summit to help companies manage their data volumes and get a greater return on their E&P data investments.

NAPE Summit takes place each year at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston.  The event attracts over 15,000 oil and gas professionals from North America and worldwide to review prospect data and discuss opportunities in the upstream oil and gas business.

Seismic Data E-Brokerage for Buyers and Sellers

Prospective buyers and sellers have a convenient resource for seismic data in, which offers instant quality checks and faster transactions than typical data resale methods.  Seismic data owners can earn valuable return on their investment by making their data available on SeismicZone, and take advantage of greater exposure to the seismic data marketplace.

4 Million Kilometers of Seismic Data Added

Katalyst recently partnered with IHS Markit to add seismic data from AccuMap to The partnership brings over 60 years’ worth of seismic data available for license to the public website. visitors now have access to over 4.7 million linear kilometers  of 2D and 440,000 square kilometers of 3D data, along with key parameter information to help select the right data for purchase.

Over 60 Petabytes on iGlass

Subsurface data management tools, such as iGlass, help oil and gas companies access their data when they need it, whether it be to attract investors or to further research prospective properties for exploration and production.  The iGlass data management solution encompasses every phase of the subsurface data asset life cycle and beyond, securing your data investment well into the future.  After all, data management never ends!

Digitize the World Tour

The NAPE Summit will be rounding out the 2020 portion of our Digitize the World Tour.  With digital transformation changing the way oil and gas companies approach subsurface data management, Katalyst is making our digitalization efforts the focus of the events and trade shows we circulate for the next few months.

To learn more or to schedule a demo at the NAPE Summit, please contact us.