For the second year in a row, Team Katalyst was honored to take home the “Spirit Award” at September’s CSEG Women in Seismic Golf Tournament in Calgary.  The event was 9 holes with 80 participants including golfers, hole sponsors and volunteers.   In total the event raised approximately $7,100 towards the Alberta Cancer Foundation (ACF).

ACF delivers progress in cancer research, prevention, treatment, and care by generating community investment for Alberta’s many cancer centers.   It is a movement for cancer-free lives today, tomorrow and forever.

Our own Trish Mulder served as event chair and Caroline Mongrain helped with the prize donations.  As defending champions, the Katalyst “Pink Ninja” team was excited and honored to take home the Spirit Award again.  The Spirit Award is dedicated to Sean Callaghan and encompasses his enthusiasm for women to be self-confident, supportive of each other and to just go out and have some fun.

Click here for more information about the event.
Click here to learn more about the Alberta Cancer Foundation.