Visit Katalyst at #Booth 11

We are excited to present and exhibit at the upcoming 18th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & Expogef, which will be held at the Expo MAG Convention Center, on October 16-19, 2023 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Visit us at Booth 11 where our dedicated Katalyst team of industry experts will be ready to speak with you about our cutting-edge online services. Gain insights into our comprehensive data management workflows and explore our integrated platform, offering features such as, seismic interpretations, well information, production charts, bid history, and much more. In addition, we will be presenting technical oral works at the show on a wide variety of subjects including MarketWatch, Low Carbon solutions and  Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We look forward to seeing you at the show!

Get a Sneak Peek Inside #Booth 11

Come to booth 11 to see the latest developments in our digital transformation technology and live presentations!

Katalyst’s Team of Industry Experts will be presenting Technical Oral Works, Wednesday, October 18th 

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Sustainable Energy (14:25 PM ) – Stephen Gallant & Ricardo Coelho

Imagine the problem of manually picking out 10,000 raster well log images from a mixed bag of 30,000 images plus other file types. Then manually reading and re-typing well names to match and index into a well data repository. Even if undertaking such projects, data loading teams would be overwhelmed using traditional software tools known today. ML engineers and software developers can greatly improve such tools using AI/ML.

Integrated E&P Platform – Optimizing Data Usage within the Organization (14:50 PM ) – Christiano Lopes, Igor Aquilino, & Rafael Rocha of Katalyst Data Management and Sebastião Pereira, David Fernandes, Leandro Ribeiro, Frederico Miranda, Diogo Michelon, Carlos Siedschlag, and Rodrigo Portugal of Eneva.

Geoscience data is critical for decision-making in the oil and gas industry, but the process of gathering and utilizing this data can be complex and time-consuming. To address this challenge, Eneva and Katalyst Data Management worked together to create a fluid environment that streamlines data compilation and improves access to geological and geophysical data, as well as providing tools to support decision-making.

Managing Large Volume Time-Lapse Datasets for Sustainable Carbon Storage in Subsurface Reservoirs ( 15:30 PM ) – Jess Kozman & Christiano Lopes

Optimum industry accepted practices for management of large volume and high sampling density data sets are delivering geophysical information for carbon storage projects. The use of surface and subsurface geophysics data spans the project lifecycle of carbon storage, from evaluation through measurement, monitoring, reporting, and verification. Industry technology providers can now evaluate cloud-based platforms to store and deliver fiber optic geophysical data acquired during and after CO2 injection.

To learn more or to schedule a demo at SBGF, please contact us.