Begin the Digital Transformation Journey
Learn More at AEGC #38

“Data to Discovery” is the theme for the 2nd Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference (AEGC) that will take place on 2-5 September 2019 at the Crown Perth.  Getting new information from old data leads to new discoveries, and Katalyst is excited to support the oil and gas industry on their journey to digitise the world.

At AEGC 2019, team members from our full service Perth data center will be on hand to guide companies through the process of bringing legacy data up to speed to today’s demands of accessibility and automation.  Stop by stand #38 if you have any questions about

  • Digital transformation – tape transcription, scanning, digitising, duplication, metadata management
  • Subsurface consulting – data audit, data management, data quality, compliance, asset transition
  • iGlass – PPDM database for subsurface data, managing over 40 petabytes
  • SeismicZone –  e-brokerage for seismic data buyers and sellers

In addition, we are excited to provide the latest updates about our new operation in Malaysia.  We expanded our global footprint to Kuala Lumpur this year, opening our fifth full service subsurface data center worldwide, along with locations in Calgary, Houston, London and Perth. The Kuala Lumpur office also serves as a research and development facility, in support of our primary R&D office in Calgary.

The AEGC 2019 in Perth is part of our Digitise the World Tour, a series of geoscience events where Katalyst will be exhibiting to showcase the latest technology and tools available to assist E&P companies with managing their subsurface data volumes.  We are in the midst of a digital revolution, and soon we’ll be in a city near you to show how we can help you on our mission to digitise the world.

Contact us if you would like to schedule a demo at the show.