We’re excited to feature our new interpretation project module on iGlass at the 20th PNEC Data Management Conference on May 17-19, 2016.  The conference will feature talks and forums from subsurface data management professionals around the globe.

If you are in town, please stop by Katalyst booth #412 to demo ProjectDataStor and learn about the other enhancements we have coming soon.

Contact us to get a free pass to the exhibit floor or to set up a private demo featuring one of our signature solutions.

Manage your data spatially via Katalyst’s web-based online ESRI interface. iGlass provides a complete set of data management tools that encompass the full life cycle of our customers’ critical assets across multiple data domains, now including interpretation projects!

Monetize your proprietary data via Katalyst’s online marketplace for seismic data. SeismicZone features over 2.07 million miles of 2D and 32,568 sq mi of 3D data available for license.



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