Seismic News
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Digitize the World—Time to Get Out of the Box
With billions of dollars of E&P data trapped in physical storage, the oil and gas industry is still struggling with the transformation from paper to digits. As published in the Harts E&P SEG Show Daily Preview Issue Decades of data acquisition in the oil and gas industry has amounted to trillions of dollars spent to discover what’s hidden beneath the subsurface. Now that data archive volumes have become insurmountable, many companies are investing their dollars to […]
Digital Transformation for E&P Means Closer Look at Data Management
Geoscience industry turns to consultants to bring data up to speed As published on the BOE Report Digital transformation for E&P could revolutionize the subsurface data programs for companies whose vast data archives reside on paper or some other form of inaccessible legacy media. The transition from legacy media and “paper to digits” for seismic, well logs, well files, maps, graphics and reports will be imperative for the industry to keep up with the pace of […]
Katalyst Data Management to Digitize the World at SEG 2018
SEG Annual Conference and Exhibition October 14-17, 2018 in Anaheim The Society for Exploration Geophysicists 88th Annual Meeting and Exhibition will be in sunny California this year at the Anaheim Convention Center in October. We are looking forward to exhibiting at this year’s conference, and kicking off our “digitize the world” campaign. Digitize the World – Digital Transformation for E&P Data There has been a lot of talk about the digital transformation and the impact […]
Mind the Gap: Data Migration and Metadata Quality
Acquiring another company’s data requires a thorough compliance process. Contributed by Sue Carr and Trish Mulder for the Day 3 issue of Hart’s E&P Daily News at EAGE Copenhagen. Acquiring new assets and the accompanying datasets often means dealing with another organization’s data quality and completeness standards. Geoscientists and data managers must find a way to “mind the gap” caused by missing data records as they begin to reconcile their seismic database through a data compliance […]
Katalyst Data Management Launches Well File and Well Log Scanning “Paper to Digits” Service
Company begins initiative to create a complete electronic well file HOUSTON – Katalyst Data Management announced that it has launched well file and well log scanning services for the oil and gas industry. The company now has the capacity to scan volumes of well logs and associated files that are created during the life cycle of a well into an accessible PPDM database. This announcement follows Katalyst’s recent completion of a successful well file scanning […]
Preserving Legacy Seismic & Well Data: A Key to Future Exploration Success
This material was presented by Adam Pring at the PPDM Data Management Symposium in Perth, Australia As we have progressed from the early days of seismic data utilization, there has been an exponential explosion in the number of channels/receivers used in seismic surveys. There has also been a similar explosion in the quantum of data recorded in these surveys, from multiple gigabytes to terabytes to petabytes. The conundrum is how will this ever-increasing volume of […]
Searchable Interpretation Archives are Key to Valuable Data
Managing interpretation project archives using an online ESRI map interface Looking for a particular interpretation project archive can be a lengthy, challenging process. Typically at E&P companies, archived files are located somewhere within the daily disk-based backups of the computing environment. While the data protection is beneficial, these backups often fall short of the geoscientist’s need to easily locate and access a project dataset. The main issue is there is no context available on these […]
Data Trends – The Capacity of Speed
Contributed by Guy Holmes, featured in the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists’ Preview Magazine Unbelievable … the amount of data that we can store on a single piece of recording media (disk, tape, thumb drive, etc.) just seems to keep getting larger. Will it ever end? For many years, data recording technology in the oil and gas sector has been dominated by IBM. Starting with the development of the 9 track tape in the 1960s, followed by […]