Seismic News
Connect with Katalyst on LinkedIn and Twitter for the latest seismic news, current information on the petroleum data management community, society events and industry and technology updates.
Cloud Data Guidelines
Organizations in the resource sector are rapidly gaining experience with managing technical data in the cloud. As they increasingly look to commercial cloud offerings to manage their data, they are also identifying the need to develop a set of best practices and data governance principles for cloud data management. In this webinar, we will consider data governance for organizations planning or expanding their use of cloud data platforms. Examples will include: how data governance enables […]
Visit Katalyst at URTeC on June 20-22, 2022
Visit Katalyst at #Booth 1218 We are looking forward to exhibiting at URTeC, which will be held at the George R. Brown Convention Center, June 20-22, 2022. The Katalyst team is ready to speak with you about our latest updates in iGlass and Consulting services. We are excited to see you at the show! The Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC) is critical to you and your business by delivering the science, technology, and commercial opportunities […]
Katalyst Can Manage Your Well Data
The Electronic Well File Katalyst can help manage your well data, integrating disciplines with a map-based view of your asset, all the way through its life cycle with an Electronic Well File. The solution is Katalyst’s iGlass wells module. iGlass wells creates a Digital Well file comprising all of the information associated with the well – proprietary value add, financial information, engineering and geoscience, public information, unstructured documentation –all linked and integrated into one system, […]
Visit Katalyst at EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition on 6-9 June 2022
Visit Katalyst at Booth #925 The EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition will be held at the IFEMA Madrid, 6-9 June 2022. Katalyst will be there, and we look forward to talking with you and showing all of the new features we have to help you add value to your subsurface data. Schedule time before the show to meet with the Katalyst team at booth 925. Get a Sneak Peek Inside Booth #925 Our team will […]
Outsourcing Tape Services
There are a multitude of data storage media and devices that have been utilized in the energy industry, yet after decades, we are still investing in hardware that is used less frequently and needs replacing. Why is this? With an increase in working from home and general office downsizing, it may be time to question whether onsite media reading capabilities is even needed. Can ingestion of data occur without anyone in the company having to […]
Face Behind the Data Profiles Brian Hribek, Data Science Administrator
Get to know the faces that are working hard behind the scenes to unleash your data’s potential. This month for our Face Behind the Data profile series, we are excited to introduce, Brian Hribek, Data Science Administrator. Brian is one of the masterminds behind many of our software applications. Brian enjoys bringing concepts to life that will provide the best solutions to our customers. We are excited he could contribute his experience to Face Behind […]
Visit Katalyst at APPEA Conference and Exhibition on 16-19 May 2022
Visit Katalyst at Stand #250 The APPEA Conference will be held at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, 16-19 May 2022. We are excited to take part in APPEA’s initiative of Positive Energy for a Changing World. Our data management technology is ever evolving to ensure that clients achieve sustainability and are always steps ahead of the curve. The Katalyst team members are ready to dive into discussions and show live demonstrations of our solutions. […]
What’s new in the K360 Data Analytics Program?
The Katalyst 360 data analytics platform provides consumers with better visibility into their iGlass database and also enables clients to monitor progress along their subsurface digital transformation journey with Katalyst. In this webinar, Vinay Murli will demo the latest analytics content in Katalyst 360 while spotlighting themes around increasing data visibility, increasing efficiency, increasing data value, and increasing data interest. See the Webinar on Demand: Meet the Presenter Vinay Murli is the Chief Data […]
Visit Katalyst at PPDM Houston Expo on April 26-27, 2022
Visit Katalyst at #Booth 23 We are excited to present and exhibit at the upcoming Houston Professional Petroleum Data Expo, which will be held at the Westin Houston Memorial City, on April 26-27, 2022. The Katalyst team is taking center stage and presenting insightful information that will change the way you see data. We are ready to speak with you about our subsurface digital transformation services and technology, and introduce you to our new Consulting […]
Face Behind the Data Profiles Crystal Hout, Project Manager
Get to know the faces that are working hard behind the scenes to unleash your data’s potential. This month for our Face Behind the Data profile series, we are excited to introduce, Crystal Hout, Project Manager. Crystal has experience spearheading digital transformation projects and data management. Crystal’s drive and dedication to ensure clients’ projects come to fruition is invaluable to Katalyst. We are excited she could contribute her experience to Face Behind the Data, a series […]